You will be delighted to know that converting 1 Gaj to Square Feet (sq ft) is very easy with our sophisticated online converter. The unit "Gaj," often abbreviated as "gaj to sq ft," is used for various measurements, including clothes and real estate, particularly in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Gaj is approximately equivalent to the English unit "square yard" and is sometimes spelled as gaz, guz, goz, or goj. Generally, 1 Gaj equals 9 square feet when measured as an area. Our easy area converter can help you calculate the area of any object or land efficiently. We assure you that our calculator will accurately compute the area for any measurement needs you have.


Others Area Conversion List
To Others Unit
1 Gaj = 0.00020661157024793388 Acre
1 Gaj = 0.008361281691580189 Ayer
1 Gaj = 0.000625 Bigha
1 Gaj = 0.2 Chotak
1 Gaj = 0.02066115702479339 Decimal
1 Gaj = 5.2499999999868745 Dhul
1 Gaj = 0.75 Dondho
1 Gaj = 0.010416666666666666 Gonda
1 Gaj = 0.00008361281691580189 Hectare
1 Gaj = 0.16666666666666666 Kak
1 Gaj = 0.0005208333333333333 Kani
1 Gaj = 0.0125 Katha
1 Gaj = 0.125 Kontho
1 Gaj = 0.041666666666666664 Kora
1 Gaj = 0.12396694214876033 Kranti
1 Gaj = 2.066115702479339 Ojutangsho
1 Gaj = 157.500000007875 Renu
1 Gaj = 0.02066115702479339 Satak
1 Gaj = 0.02066115702479339 Shotangsho
1 Gaj = 0.002066115702479339 Square Chain
1 Gaj = 9 Square Feet
1 Gaj = 4 Square Hat
1 Gaj = 1296.0008294405309 Square Inchi
1 Gaj = 0.836128169158019 Square Meter
1 Gaj = 1 Square Yard
1 Gaj = 1 Gaj
1 Gaj = 2.479338842975207 Til

Q: 1 gaz how many square feet?
A: 9 square feet.
Q: 1 guz how much square feet?
A: 9 square feet.
Q: 200 gaj in square feet?
A: 1800 square feet.
Q: 1000 sq ft in gaj?
A: 111.11 gaj.
Q: 1 square yard is equal to how many gaj?
A: 1 gaj